Levin Waiopehu
Skiing Tramping & Outdoors
Levin Waiopehu Skiing Tramping & Outdoors


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Joining Information

What are the advantages of becoming a member? Just some of the benefits include:
  • Receive regular newsletters with information on trips and other club activites
  • Discounted rates for stays at our Ruapehu Lodge
  • On-mountain accommodation is super-convenient, with close proximity to the slopes or to other activities in the area
  • Get to know others with similar interests & enjoy the great outdoors

How do I become a member?
In general, the process is as follows:
  1. You must have visited and stayed with the club twice. 
    (Stays need to be within the last 12 months from when the application is received)
  2. Get in contact with a club representative such as the membership officer, Helen on +64273686987, email membership@lwtc.org.nz or attend a club event - 
    however any committee member can assist.
  3. Complete an application form (See "Becoming a member") .
  4. Your application will be processed by the committee at the next committee meeting, (This could take up to 4-6 Weeks)
  5. pay the relevant joining fee. (FA)

Membership rates - joining fees 
Adults:                        $255
Juniors (under 18):      $55
Family maximum:       $400
Occasionally we have special membership promotions which may reduce your joining fee
Membership rates -
annual subs 
Adults:                         $65
Juniiors (Under 18):    $40
Family:                        $170
Associate:                    $40
Repairs & Maintenance Levy
$80 per adult member
$30 per associate member
 When are subs due? Subs are invoiced after the Annual General Meeting and are due by 30 June.